
Project 13 Dallas: Stronger Together – By: Kelly Williamson

“My one word might be inspiration.  How I choose to live my life is up to me. MS lives with me, I don’t live with MS.  I am now in a situation where I can inspire others to stay, or become active, whether they are living with MS or not. People look at me a little […]

By |January 10th, 2019|Life, Motivation, Results, Training, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Lessons from the Long Game – By: Kelly Williamson

~Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.~
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
There are so many qualities that can be valuable to being a successful athlete. Some of the basics include commitment, dedication, perseverance and resiliency; none of which should be underestimated. But one quality that I feel is critical to long term success, both as an […]

By |December 7th, 2018|Life, Motivation, Results, Training, Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Changing of the Seasons – By Kelly Williamson

A Changing of the Seasons
By: Kelly Williamson

“Fall marks the end of producing things (a summer activity) and the beginning of producing insight; as we must have an end before something new may begin.” (David Burger, The Interdependence Paradigm)

Fall is a brilliant season. Some of us experience it more fully; the Midwest is tough to beat […]

By |November 8th, 2018|Life, Motivation, Swimming, Training|0 Comments

The Injured Athlete: Yes, I’m Talking to You

If you are now or have ever been an athlete, it’s highly likely that you have gone through some sort of an injury. And if you’re a newbie runner-triathlete-endurance athlete, chances are pretty strong that if you stick with it long enough, eventually you will. I’m not being negative, just realistic.  I often see people […]

By |September 25th, 2018|Life, Motivation, Results, Training, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Athlete IQ: Part 2, Emotion

Learn to control your emotions or they will control you.
(~Edgar Martinez)

The more years I’ve spent in sport (both in the ring and from the sidelines helping others), the more I realize how some of the intangibles to success are due to factors we cannot measure or necessarily see. While we can all talk about […]

By |August 24th, 2018|Life, Motivation, Results, Training, Uncategorized|0 Comments